Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Super Foods

Last year I read this book called "Born to Run" by Christopher McDougall at the insistence of a good friend.

Don't be discouraged by the title. This book is not only for runners, and it's a great read for anyone into athletics or great story telling (or both).

McDougall's main focus throughout the novel is a tribe in Mexico called the Tarahumara- a group of "superathletes" who derive their unmatchable speed and endurance from seeds.

No, I'm not kidding.

For thousands of years, the Tarahumara have depended on a seed called Chia, a teensy tiny little thing PACKED with Omega-3's, fiber, protein, antioxidants, AND calcium. Basically these things make it possible for the Tarahumara to run sprint 100 miles (again, not kidding)... and enjoy it.

So I really shouldn't have been surprised when I was walking through Whole Foods and saw half an aisle dedicated to Chia. Chia seeds, chia drinks, chia powders, chia snacks, chia bars, chia shot packets.... the list goes on and on.

My mom and I, being runners and having read Born to Run, were pumped. We weren't saying it, but in my head (and I'm sure she was thinking it too) I was like "SWEET! Imma be a super animal beast runner, trick!!" So we bought a couple of things to try out the chia trend.

One being a drink called "Chia Mamma" (Cherry Lime flavor)

Ok, Imma say it. It was NASTY. Its slimy and tastes artificial, and I don't care if it gives me running super powers, I am NOT drinking that stuff again. However, if the idea of melted Jello is appealing to you, grab a bottle. But consider yourself warned!

Its funny how America is so bipolar in its eating habits. We're gorging ourselves on fast food, yet all these so-called "super foods" are showing up everywhere and being obsessed about.

The thing is, we can't eat like crap 90% of the time and eat super foods occasionally and expect to benefit from them. If you give your body crap, you'd better expect it to be crappy right back to you.

So here's my philosophy on food-

If a food has an ingredient that you cant pronounce- don't eat it.
If you don't know what an ingredient looks like- don't eat it.
If it's shelf life is suspiciously long- don't eat it.
If it's unnaturally technicolored- don't eat it.

Eat things that make your body FEEL good! If you eat something and feel sick or tired or nasty afterwords, listen to your body! Whatever you just put in it is no bueno.

Eat natural, eat fresh, eat simple, eat local- THAT is eating healthy, THAT is eating well, and I guarantee that natural, fresh, simple, local foods taste REALLY good!

Happy eating! And treat your body well :) Its the only one you've got!!